Wednesday, July 15, 2009


I finally know where I'll be living next month and the month after that and the month after that and Lord willing, the month after that. YES - after 13 months of being unemployed Victor finally found a job! He found out today that the construction company he was working for (pro bono) the last month or so got the job they did a proposal for. That was the requirement for him to be hired. The job unfortunately is in LA by the airport. So, no - I won't be moving, but Victor will be. He'll be up there probably M-F for the 1st 3-6 months or so. It's probably a 1 1/2 -2 hour drive depending on traffic. He will need to help them find more construction projects or they won't have work for him for very long so hopefully he'll stay employed! But it's a good feeling! We are very thankful to God for His provision!

Friday, July 3, 2009

The Lava Flow

I said to myself "They're playing so nicely this morning, I think we'll stay at home all morning since they're being so good." I was enjoying all the happy noises I was hearing from their bedrooms instead of the normal screams and bickering. Then I walked by the door to Lucas' room. Books, lincoln logs and train tracks were flowing out. Should I look in?

Lucas informed me there had been a lava flow of books ... I was good though. Instead of getting mad, I got my camera. I thought 10 years from now, I'll be wishing my only problems were a lava flow of books.
I made some money on them though. At first I told them they had to put all the books back themselves, but then I realized that "Oh no! They might not put all the books back exactly where they belong and then that would REALLY mess up my anal brain." So I made them each pay me for every 5 minutes I had to work putting the books away. I could get rich if I keep this up.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Summer is Here!

Summer is officially here when you're eating corn on the cob! Yum!

Summer is here when your mom gives you "summer school homework". Poor Lucas. He enjoys workbooks, so I take advantage of him and make him "play school" with me. I always get to be the teacher though. Marisa complains too much though, so she gets to play Barbies instead. The first thing Lucas does some mornings is grab his Math book and do a few pages. Father's side of the family obviously.

No wonder Marisa's starting to get scared at night. Look what we found her reading one night when she fell asleep! She's obviously not my daughter!

My little baker in training. Last Saturday we actually made 2 different kinds of rolls. Marisa enjoyed kneading the dough and watching it "grow". It's been fun baking with her lately. I guess since I can't play school with her, I'll eat with her instead. The sacrifices we make to be good mothers.