chopped up!!
We had a great first day of 2010. The day started with chocolate chip pancakes, and bacon. (There's always next year to eat fruit ...) I asked each member of the family what they wanted God to help them improve on this coming year. It warmed my heart to hear their responses. Marisa said right away that she wanted to obey the first time I asked her to do something. (Now if only I had enough faith to believe that could actually happen!) Lucas said he wanted to learn more about God and also love and obey the Lord our Father. I said I wanted to be more patient and kind and not get angry with them so much. Lucas nodding his head said "Yes, mommy, that's a good one." Thanks Lucas. You were supposed to say, "Oh no mommy, you don't have a problem with that!"
Victor slaved in the kitchen all day and produced a very tasty Puerto Rican meal. Very yummy. I look forward to this meal all year long! Sorry, I don't know the English names for the dishes, but we ate pernil, arroz y gandules, and mofongo and for dessert Tembleque. Doesn't that sound great? :-) The best part was the company we were able to share it with. My prayer partner Monica, and John and Jessie Robertus. Again, I forgot to take pictures.
i don't believe I've ever eaten any of those things. Hint, hint!
Hola Debbie,
Cada vez que leo algo que escribes en tu blog me haces reir tanto...tal vez porque aveces me siento igual que tu en muchas cosas, o tal vez porque me gusta la manera en que describes las situaciones diarias...
Recibi tu carta de Navidad, GRACIAS por acordarte de nosotros. Los extrañamos tanto a tooooodos.
Hi Deb! Great pictures! I love the sidewalk chalk one. Emily once drew a skull and cross bones on her door and under it put 'NO Karley allowed' She must have been 4 at the time - I didn't even know she could draw such a thing....I've kept it of course. Happy New Year...we are coming to California at the end of March! I'm assuming you'll still be there??
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