Friday, July 3, 2009

The Lava Flow

I said to myself "They're playing so nicely this morning, I think we'll stay at home all morning since they're being so good." I was enjoying all the happy noises I was hearing from their bedrooms instead of the normal screams and bickering. Then I walked by the door to Lucas' room. Books, lincoln logs and train tracks were flowing out. Should I look in?

Lucas informed me there had been a lava flow of books ... I was good though. Instead of getting mad, I got my camera. I thought 10 years from now, I'll be wishing my only problems were a lava flow of books.
I made some money on them though. At first I told them they had to put all the books back themselves, but then I realized that "Oh no! They might not put all the books back exactly where they belong and then that would REALLY mess up my anal brain." So I made them each pay me for every 5 minutes I had to work putting the books away. I could get rich if I keep this up.

1 comment:

Kristen said...

See what you get when you buy all those books!