Sunday, March 1, 2009

New Jeans

Most woman hate trying on bathing suits and jeans. (If you have a perfect body and every pair of jeans you put on fits you, then go away.) Well, I unfortunately had to go jean shopping because my 2 pairs of jeans that I wear every day all day long, both had holes in the knees. I guess I play too hard ...
Marisa and I went out jean shopping Saturday afternoon. I had promised Marisa icecream so we started off with a milkshake from Ruby's Diner at the outlet mall. In hindsight, not a good idea. I was already a few pounds heavier than the week before because all week I was ravenously hungry with a cold. (Feed a cold, starve a fever or starve a cold, feed a fever? Just to be safe, I ate.) It's not good to have a loud 5 yr old with you in a small change room. "Those pants don't fit you either mommy? Are those jeans too small mommy? Mommy are you jumping to try to get them on? Aren't you going to buy any mommy?"
Oh, to be in a change room by yourself ...
I did end up with 2 pairs of jeans, not a perfect fit, but if I jump enough I can get them on ...


Rebecca said...

Oh, I'm so there with you!

I just can't believe the things that come out of my kids mouths in the public restroom!

Kaylyn Fernandez said...

That is so funny Debbie. I had a similar situation with Reece. I was looking for jeans too. Reece was yelling "Mommy you are naked, why are you talking off your pants." Then, she proceeded to tell me that the jeans did not look good on me. The lady in the dressing room next to me was laughing. I was quite embarrassed and was thinking the same as you, would be nice to shop on my own!!!

Stepp Family said...

I unfortunately also know all too well what you mean! I love it when Daniel asks, "Why do none of those clothes fit either?" As if its not hard enough to find something you like! Thanks for making me laugh (and for the reminder to not take my kids the next time I need clothes...