Monday, January 26, 2009

Vitamins anyone?

Over the past 6 months or so, it has come to my attention that I am getting old. I am getting closer to the "M" word. Approaching the premenopause years. I have done a little research, answered a few quizes like: do you feel like you are going crazy? are you irritable? do you have trouble sleeping? are you starting to put on weight around the middle? are you bloated? do you have food cravings? A hearty yes to each and every question! So ... what I need is ... vitamins! I got a list of vitamins from a book I was perusing and went to Costco. Cheap vitamins in large quantities! As I walked up the aisle I saw the ONE A DAY for women 50 and over. Now, I won't be 50 for another 7 1/2 years, but it promises help with memory and concentration. What could it hurt? Will it give me grey hair to take it 7 1/2 years early? I think its worth a try. Next time you see me, ask me something - anything and watch me concentrate. The next vitamin I saw was Evening Primrose Oil. Sounds pretty. Promises to help with conditions such as irritability ... no need to read on. It goes in the basket. I am excited to show my dear husband my finds. He lights up when he sees the Evening Primrose Oil and reads "helps with irritibility ..." The only thing he says is "How many can you take?" I do love him, really I do.


Kristen said...

Oh, too funny. Love all the new pics btw.

Rebecca said...

What did people do before Vitamins? Now a days you can fix just about anything with a vitamin. :)

Rachel said...

I am laughing so hard right now! I need the primrose one too I think. Homeschooling has increased my need for a little "something extra." I hope it works for you.