We started the month off visiting the mall Santa with our playgroup. I was really hoping Lucas and Marisa didn't inform all their friends that Santa is just a man in a red suit ...
... baking cookies ... I really relaxed this year and let them do whatever they wanted with the frosting and sprinkles. They did have some interesting cookies (or should I say lumps of frosting and sprinkles with bits of cookie?) What a good mom I'm becoming ...
... volunteering for Marisa's Kindergarten Christmas party. It's fun to see her interact with her school friends!
... I planned and ran Lucas' party so I didn't get any pictures of his. But Victor and I had fun watching the school's Christmas program on their last day of school. They have each class get up and perform things that they have been learning - like jingle bells in Mandarin :-). Here is Lucas' class playing a song on their recorders. (This is their dress uniform for special occassions. The everyday uniform is much more casual.)
... and now it's Christmas vacation - and Lucas and Marisa have to find something to occupy their time! So, they made a garbage tree! Actually, have been making a garbage tree would be more accurate. They have been adding to this tree over the past few weeks. Amazingly enough, Victor has actually not said anything, and is just pretending it doesn't exist.
... I planned and ran Lucas' party so I didn't get any pictures of his. But Victor and I had fun watching the school's Christmas program on their last day of school. They have each class get up and perform things that they have been learning - like jingle bells in Mandarin :-). Here is Lucas' class playing a song on their recorders. (This is their dress uniform for special occassions. The everyday uniform is much more casual.)
... and now it's Christmas vacation - and Lucas and Marisa have to find something to occupy their time! So, they made a garbage tree! Actually, have been making a garbage tree would be more accurate. They have been adding to this tree over the past few weeks. Amazingly enough, Victor has actually not said anything, and is just pretending it doesn't exist.
... piano lessons - for daddy! Lucas is teaching daddy how to play the piano.
... and of course my angels ALWAYS get along. I found this note written outside on sidewalk chalk, supposedly written for her brother. I'm so proud of Marisa's ability to express herself and put words into sentences! Is it too much to ask that they be nice words? In case you can't understand Kindergarten spelling - it says "I do not like you."
... and of course my angels ALWAYS get along. I found this note written outside on sidewalk chalk, supposedly written for her brother. I'm so proud of Marisa's ability to express herself and put words into sentences! Is it too much to ask that they be nice words? In case you can't understand Kindergarten spelling - it says "I do not like you."