Thursday, May 28, 2009

Boring news ...

Almost every day I check my blog to see if anyone has posted anything for me - but I guess I'm the only one who will do that right? Well, the only thing interesting that has happened here is I've been sick. I've lost my voice (makes yelling at children rather difficult). I've had a sore throat, horrible cough that keeps me up at night and makes me pee when I cough too hard (just love the long lasting side effects of giving birth) and also pink eye twice in 2 weeks. (The first doctor I went to see said it wasn't pink eye and I didn't have to continue the drops so I foolishly believed him. So, it came back a week later.) Now I've given pink eye to my dear husband, but so far the kids are fine. But this weekend sick or not, I'm going to Palm Springs with 5 other mom's for our Weekend Getaway! Woohoo!!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Who planted that tree in our soccer field?

We had a lazy Saturday afternoon after Lucas' soccer game in the morning. Apparently he didn't get enough soccer because that's all he wanted to do in the afternoon! If only that tree wasn't there ...

Lucas' new look

I knew it would happen some day, but I was hoping it wouldn't be so soon. With both parents practically blind and coming from families who all had glasses, my poor kids don't have a chance! Lucas picked up his glasses on Friday and he was amazed at how much he could see that had been blurry before. (That always makes a parent feel real good about their parenting skills ...) He only has to wear them in the classroom and watching TV etc. (So how long do you think we have before they got lost?) He put them on in church on Sunday and was quite hesitant, not wanting anyone to see him. Hopefully he will like them enough to wear them with confidence when he needs to! These are not the frames I would have picked, but the doctor made it quite clear to us that LUCAS had to like his glasses and be the one to pick them. So, he picked them because the frames have a blue tinge and, as he told the doctor, blue is his 3rd favourite colour. (He can also tell you what his 1st, 5th or 9th favourite colour is. :-) )

Saturday, May 16, 2009


We had a great time strawberry picking in the Carlsbad strawberry fields. These strawberries were SOOOOOOO delicious! Our playgroup got a group rate for 10 people. It cost $3 a bucket instead of $6. If anyone wants to go in the next month maybe we can get another group of 10!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Whirlwind weekend in Chicago!

My best friend from my Bolivia days got married in Chicago on Saturday. I was so very thankful that Victor and I were able to attend - and have an entire weekend without children!
It was really fun reconnecting with other friends from my Bolivia days. Here I am with my friend Debbie Berkman who is married to a Bolivian. It was so much fun to hear BOLIVIAN Spanish again instead of Mexican Spanish. :-) Victor and I had a ton of fun hanging out with Luis and Debbie all weekend. But don't you just HATE it when you have to be photographed beside a skinny person! Take a look at the beautiful tulips instead. Downtown Chicago was covered in tulips.

Debbie, Debbie and Alicia! The fun part about this weekend was all the time I got to spend with the bride! Usually when you go to a wedding you see the bride walk down the aisle and hug her at the reception and get a minute to tell her how beautiful she is. Well, we chatted at the rehearsal dinner, the reception, the "after the wedding party" at a friends house, and at brunch on Sunday morning. It was a great weekend. And, Victor was really with me, he just wasn't important enough to take any pictures of I guess ...

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Spanish 101

I'm a Spanish teacher! I have been enjoying a (very) part time job the past few months teaching Spanish. I started teaching 2 highschool age homeschoolers Spanish in October and have loved it. Then a couple months ago, I started another class for kids in the neighborhood. This one is a little more work and a little more high energy - but it's been fun! And I have a little extra spending money! So far I've bought my husband an expensive set of knives and I renewed our legoland membership. It's been nice to have a little extra money for those non-essentials. Does anyone know of others who are interested in learning Spanish? Send them my way! I'd love to have another class or 2 in the fall.